We’ve been doing parties and stuff with Fully Fitted for years: our buddies Alex XXXChange, Pase Rock, Devlin & Darko, Ghostdad and Prince Klassen. They’ve been doing these Live At Home mixes for a while now, and when they asked us to participate we were happy to rock for them. The idea is to record a dj mix live in one take, playing music you like to listen to at home. I stepped up for volume 26, which you can listen to, download and read about over at the Fully Fitted blog. Lots of funk, soul, disco, a little hip-hop and latin and so forth. Groovy shit!
Dj Ayres – Live at Home pt 26
Tracklist, commentary, and streaming player at Fully Fitted
If you missed it, be sure to grab DJ Eleven – Live at Home Pt 21