FOTR: Tand Williams
Posted: September 20, 2016 Filed under: Friends of The Rub | Tags: fotr, Tand Williams
FOTR this week is Tand Williams from Germany, our special guest this month for The Rub. He’s one of the core members of the YUM YUM crew, who are celebrating 10 years this year of throwing fantastic events all over the world. Tand makes his way to BK this weekend to drop his extremely vibe friendly sound on the front room at The Bell House on Saturday night. To get a little taste on what to expect, peep his mix from last year’s YUM YUM anniversary celebration below. Make sure to click some links on the socials as well and do not miss out on The Rub this weekend as well!
Stay Up With Tand Williams:
YUM YUM Website
YUM YUM Facebook
YUM YUM Soundcloud
YUM YUM Mixcloud