The History of Hip Hop 2004 by Brooklyn Radio on
Download: History of Hip-Hop 2004 (Mixed By DJ Ayres) (right-click, save as)
artwork by Rhek (Sharks & Hammers
Tracklist after the jump!
We have motherfucking DJ Scratch from EPMD at The Rub this Saturday! How crazy is that?
Produced by DJ Scratch!
Friday the 13th Routine!
Grab the DJ Scratch remix of EPMD “I’m Mad” over at the Flashing Lights blog!
The History of Hip Hop 2003 by Brooklyn Radio on
Download: History of Hip-Hop 2003 (Mixed By DJ Ayres) (right-click, save as)
artwork by Rhek (Sharks & Hammers)
Tracklist after the jump!
DJ Ayres – Haunted House Sex Party (right click “save target as”)
Carte Blanche ft. Kid Sister – Do! Do! Do!
Grum – Can’t Shake This Feeling
Señor Stereo – Hot Damn!
Rampage & Nader – Gave You Love
Cassius – 99 (Tim Green Remix)
Round Table Knights – Belly Dance (Mowgli Remix)
Para One – Toadstool
Martin Brothers – Duckface
Penner & Mudder – Presence of Another Man
Nacho Lovers – Deeper
Boy 8 Bit – Cricket Scores (Boy 8-Bit remix)
Avicii – Ryu
Neurotic Drum Band – Robotic Hypnotic Adventure (Harkin and Raney Remix)
Drop the Lime – Sex Sax (Blu Jemz in Mellow Remix)
The History of Hip Hop 2002 by Brooklyn Radio on
Download: History of Hip-Hop 2002 (Mixed By DJ Eleven) (right-click, save as)
artwork by Rhek (Sharks & Hammers)
Tracklist after the jump!
The History of Hip Hop 2001 by Brooklyn Radio on
Download: History of Hip-Hop 2001 (Mixed By DJ Ayres) (right-click, save as)
artwork by Rhek (Sharks & Hammers)
Tracklist after the jump!

The History of Hip Hop 2000 by Brooklyn Radio on
Download: The Rub “History of Hip-Hop 2000” mixed by Cosmo Baker (right click “save target as”)
Artwork by Rhek (Sharks & Hammers)
Tracklist after the jump!
Special shouts to the homie DJ Day for having me through his great Thursday night party in Palm Springs the night before Coachella started. Being the savvy dude he is, Day had the foresight to record the night. Through the magic of technical difficulties & a little careful editing, he was forced to whittle it down to only the good 40 minutes of my set. Ha. While I’m disappointed to not be able to go back to hear his set & Gaslamp Killer’s, it’s great to have a live recording which captures the actual feel of the party.
Head to DJ Day’s site to check it out & make sure to spend some time peeping out all the Day recommends. His taste in music and skills as a DJ & producer are unparalleled.
Download Rub Radio April 22, 2010 (right click “save target as”)
I’ve been meaning to do a new hip-hop mix for a while, but it kept getting swallowed up by mixes for our other Rub Radio show on Scion broadband. But I got a few months ahead on the other show, so I had some time to bang this out. Tons of new shit I’m feeling right now, and I threw in a few non-hip-hop selections to give it some flavor, but you know I had to start it off with Gangstarr. Tracklist after the jump.
More Eleven news (Special Delivery & touring related)
Posted: April 8, 2010 Filed under: DJ Eleven, MP3, The RubAs Ayres mentioned a post or two back, I’m heading out on a Scion tour with Sinden, JOTS, and Frankie Chan for some middle-of-the-country shenanigans. But there’s more…
Moma & I just dropped a freeload EP of a couple remixes, featuring the talents of Janet Jackson & Aaliyah, to drum up noise for our monthly Special Delivery party, which we’re relaunching this Saturday, April 10th at Manhattan’s SubMercer (147 1/2 Mercer Street, in the Mercer Hotel). You can grab it at
I’ll also be making stops in Palm Springs (to nerd out & be a fan at Coachella & to rock with DJ Day, Gaslamp Killer, Huggs, and J-Boogie), Cincinnati, Cleveland (with Terry Urban), and Toronto (with Big Jacks, Bozack, and Mensa) around the Scion dates. If you’ll be in any of those cities, head to for all the relevant details. Over & out.