Halloween Pictures

If you weren’t at The Rub on Halloween, you might as well kill your own self. If you were, we probably took a picture of you!




Flashing Lights Photos




Flashing Lights photos (October 11, 2009) up at The Hi-Fi Cartel

Flashing Lights Flicks

Ayres A-Trak L-Sangre

Ayres Diplo Catchdubs

Jess Maggie Skittles

View the whole set on MRI Lightpainting’s Flickr Gallery and be sure to check out their Blog



froggy jess

View The HiFi Cartel’s whole set here: http://www.hificartel.com/photos/flashing-lights/

The Rub at the Do-Over in LA + pix

The Do-Over is a Sunday afternoon party in LA that always has incredible DJs and never announces the line-up; they post the DJ sets on their blog so everyone who didn’t get in can hear what they missed. Like The Rub, they always have a line around the block, and like The Rub, the DJs can play whatever they want – that means good music! Ayres, Eleven & Cosmo have all played the Do-Over separately. Here are the DJ sets, along with pictures from the most recent Do-Over.

DJ Ayres Live at the Do-Over (Z-Share)

DJ Eleven Live at the Do-Over (Z-Share)

Cosmo Baker & Thee Mike B Live at the Do-Over (Z-Share)

Going in!

Mr Choc (Beat Junkies) and Peanutbutter Wolf (Stones Throw)

Feelin it!

(it’s just a sticker, we don’t have Rub Serato records – yet)

Do-Over crowd is so Tice!

DJ Ayres & DJ Fashen

More flicks from Champion-Photos

Photos from The Rub, July 4, 2009

Ian Meyer

Ian Meyer

Ayres & Chef

Ayres & Chef

West Coast!

West Coast!

Skinny Friedman, Ketil and Catchdubs

Skinny Friedman, Ketil and Catchdubs

Ayres and Catchdubs Go Down Under

I’m back from Australia!

Australia Photos Here

The Rub at Giant Step Mondays

Pictures from the Giant Step party on Monday are up, check them out!

The Giant Step party was a whole lot of fun, plus we met legendary disco don, DC Larue! Check him out on MySpace and Discogs if you’re not up on him; he’ll be releasing remixes soon of a handful of his classic tracks from the 70s.

MRI Light Painting Website / Flickr

MRI Light Painting Website / Flickr

More MRI Light Painting Website / Flickr

More MRI Light Painting Website / Flickr

Flicks from One Step Beyond at the Museum of Natural History (The Rub & Dave Nada) by Ian Meyer

The Rub 2/09

Photos from The Rub – Saturday February 7