The Rub: Halloween…

The Rub: Halloween…

The Rub: Halloween…

The Rub: Halloween…

The Rub: Halloween…

The Rub: Halloween…

The Rub: Halloween…

The Rub: Halloween…
See the whole set on The Rub Facebook

Halloween pictures are up on our Facebook!
All photos by ShoShots – see the entire gallery and buy prints at https://www.shoshots.com/p466713850




All photos by ShoShots! View the whole gallery at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?vanity=ItsTheRub&set=a.4742928252384374
Buy hi-res digital images and order prints at https://www.shoshots.com/p481175661
















Our February 2020 pictures from The Rub are up on our Facebook! Shot by @unscriptedmoments.
Check the rest of the February photos here on our Facebook. Find your friends, and please share!
Our NYE 2019 pictures from The Rub are up on our Facebook! Shot by @shoshots
Check the rest of the NYE photos here on our Facebook.
Our Halloween 2019 pictures from The Rub are up on our Facebook! Shot by Elliott Ashby.
Check the rest of the October photos here on our Facebook.
Our September 2019 pictures from The Rub are up on our Facebook! Shot by Elliott Ashby.
Check the rest of the September photos here on our Facebook.
Our July 2019 pictures from The Rub 17th Anniversary are up on our Facebook! Shot by Kenny Rodriguez.
To see the rest of the photos from our 17th Anniversay party, check both of the albums here and here and Facebook.
July 27 marks 17 years since the first night The Rub threw a party at Southpaw, and we want to celebrate with you!
We’ll be giving free ’16 Years of The Rub’ photo books to all advance ticket buyers. All you have to do is purchase a ticket at https://www.eventbrite.com/
To preview the book, with photos by Kenny Rodriguez plus ShoShots and Ian Meyer, visit https://store.itstherub.